Overstreet™ is Currently Accepting Arrowhead Photos
Please Contact Brock -
Overstreet is currently accepting arrowhead photos from all U.S. regions for inclusion in the upcoming Thirteenth Edition of The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Identification and Price Guide.
Forms of Photo Submittal
- Anyone wishing to submit photos of Native American point types from within the U.S. can add them to Overstreet’s 10-Region Database absolutely free of charge. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for type, grade, and authenticity and added to our permanent database for possible future use within the printed guide. In addition, if Overstreet decides to use your photo or photos for placement in its color section of the book, it will be done free of charge to you through this standard form of submittal. Photos must meet all criteria as outlined in the “Photo Submission Requirements” section shown below.
- Collectors who wish to have points directly placed within the color section of The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Identification and Price Guide may request this service for fees starting at as little as $100.00 per point. Pricing is based on a typical point size of 3 inches or less in overall length. Additional charges apply and will be assessed on an individual basis for points above 3 inches. Considerations of point type, size, quality, and authenticity are determining factors of all points to be considered for publication within Overstreet’s color section/ identification and price guide, therefore all submissions may not qualify. Availability of space within the color section is limited and will be issued on a first come first serve basis. All photos submitted by mail must meet all criteria as outlined in the “Photo Submission Requirements” section shown below. Overstreet offers free in-housephotography for individuals wishing to place points in the color section, providing all shipping expenses incurred are paid by the sender. For more information on this service contact Overstreet at the address listed below.
Photo Submission Requirements
- Photos submitted must be sent in high resolution (6 mega pix or more) digital format only and on JPG imaging. No black and white photos or prints will be accepted.
- Photos must be sent on a flash drive format only. Each photo must be labeled in its JPG file with the point’s type, material, and county/state information.
- Photos must be taken on a flat black or flat white background with adequate lighting. Photos taken on fabrics that are not solid may contain a pattern that will be visible when printed and cannot be used. Also we suggest that all photos be taken using the Macro-Lens setting on your camera for more vivid and clear photos.
- All photos must include a standard inch ruler placed next to and parallel with the point approximately one half inch away for our rescaling purposes. See photos on this page as examples.
- Photos submitted of points that are not parallel with ruler or photo will not be suitable for publishing. Please make certain that all photos submitted are reviewed thoroughly prior to your submission to Overstreet™.
Photo example displaying proper positioning of scale and proper applicable background settings